Saturday, January 30, 2010

Raspberries & Avocados

Today was one of those ideal Southern California days.  Hudson, my son, and I took a walk to Armstrong's and browsed the Hass Avocado trees.  We found a five footer and made our way to the front register.  We passed the raspberry section and picked up four Heritage Red plants.  They should be called sticks, cause that's what they looked like.

Remember the other day, when I told you Fred was taking pride in the front flower beds?  Well, he did a great job transplanting the current flowers, but it needed a little something more.  Hudson and I proceeded to glance over the seed packets.  That's when we found the perfect thing!  So, when we got back to the Sustainable Urban Farm we kind of broke the rules and planted non-edible flowers.  I know they'll be pretty!  Photos to come, oh course.

We also picked up a few other seed packet, of which I'll give update once we actually plant them.

January has been a glorious month.  The heat, the rain, then more heat and rain.  If anyone out there in southern California has been thinking of doing some gardening, this January has been ideal.  There's been days of perfectly sunny opportunities to plant, then days of cool rain that were followed by warm sunny spells, and then another blanket of free irrigation.  Making a short story a bit lengthy... because of all the rain, the soil is quite like the consistency of the black rich stuff I came to know and love in Illinois!

On a side note, the fruit trees are blooming like crazy!  Peach on the left, and apple on the right.  Just think.  Some day all this work might just pay off!  Ha ha!


1 comment:

  1. It is amazing and different to think you have new buds on your trees and we just got a beautiful fresh dusting of snow last night.America is a wonderful and huge place to live.
