Monday, March 15, 2010

Everything is Growing

This morning, I beat the heat and mowed the farm early.  It truly is amazing how quickly the grass grows when it's rainy and sunny every other week.  I had just mowed on Friday and here it is Monday and it needed it again.  The edging needs to be done as well!

The weather has been amazing with highs around 75F and not a cloud in the sky.  I knew it was going to be a challenging day for the trees/plants so I watered them this morning before the sun got too high.  The amount of life trying to bust out is so exciting.

Flowers by Magnus' Window








1 comment:

  1. Dear Side walk gardener. We are so sorry someone was so mean to hurt the apple tree. there are a great deal of us out here who loves the concept of sidewalk gardener and you are inspiration to many around. your happy smilly face brightens so many people on this earth. Be Happy because the person who did it was not a happy person.
