There are new shoots and clusters of buds all over every tree! Here's a shot of just one of the thousands of new leaves and buds on the orange tree.
The lemon tree is doing the same thing! Check out the lemon in the foreground with the bud cluster in the rear.
The avocado tree is also showing new growth. I'm not sure if it is going to flower in the traditional sense, but it looks like something is happening.
Blossoms on the apple tree are taking their course. The pedals are dying and there is a bit of swelling at the base of the old flower. Maybe a baby apple? Also, a bunch of new buds are popping out too!
When I first planted the peach tree, I thought it was dead. It was a lifeless stick. Now, it's green and on it's way to a great year!
My raspberries are thriving as well! Little buds are forming on the tips of each leaf cluster. I thought that raspberries take a few years to fruit, but when I see flower buds it makes me think it'll happen this year. We'll see.
The weather in LA has been so amazing this winter! We have had rain, followed by nice hot sunny days, and then back to rain and sunny days. So, it might just be the ideal conditions that's making everything bloom. I mean, the grass (well groomed weeds) is even flowering and I didn't fertilize that!
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